"I highly recommend Kellogg's Painting. Their work is meticulous, they were punctual, you can set your watch by them, estimates and contracts were thorough and concise. Work proceeded as promised and time estimates were accurate. The crew is accommodating, courteous and a pleasure to deal with. All around great experience." Debby - House Painting Freehold, NY

Kellogg's Painting

Leeds, N.Y 12451 Greene County

(P) 518.965.0720

(F) 518.943.1228

(E) info@kelloggspainting.com

(W) www.kelloggspainting.com 

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m Closed Saturdays and Sundays

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Painting Services in The Catskills and Hudson Valley NY

From exterior painting to interior painting Kellogg's Painting Company works with each client in Athens, Catskill,  Coxsackie,  Durham, Greenville, Hudson, Hunter, Saugerties, WindhamWoodstock NY And More. Our painting company is a full service painting contractor located in Leeds, NY. Our professional team of house painters and years of experience as a painting contractor ensures that every painting service is performed exactly to the clients liking. Its our goal, as a professional painting contractor to help make the vision you have for your home, office, rentals, condo, town house or business become a reality.  We will leave your residential and commercial property as clean as or cleaner than we found it.

Catskills and Hudson Valley New York Painting Services

Free Painting Estimate in The Hudson Valley and Catskills NY

Call Kellogg's Painting Company today 518.965.0720 to learn what sets our professional team of painters apart from the competition in up state NY. Don't take our word for it. Read what our clients have to say about our painting, pressure washing, staining and deck restoration services. Visit our photo gallery to view a few photos of some of our past work. 

2011-2025 Kellogg's Painting, Inc. All Rights Reserved Leeds, NY - Hudson Valley Painting Contractor (P)518.965.0720 (E)info@kelloggspainting.com